Adult Apron, Pinstripe, Adjustable Neck
Applique Glitter Sheet Black
$7.99 $12.98
Applique Glitter Sheet Light Green
$7.99 $12.48
Applique Glitter Sheet White
Christmas Nativity Ornaments - Happy Hoop Decor Vol 2
$24.99 $39.99
Clear Blue Tiles Expansion Pack
$24.99 $49.98
Cozy Winter Collection Buttons
$6.99 $12.48
Emboidery Felt - Gingerbread
$3.50 $4.18
Embroidery Leather French Pink
$7.99 $13.48
Experience the Joy of Creativity Binder
$19.99 $34.98
Gather Together Bench Pillow
$24.99 $34.98
Heart-Felt Friends
$24.99 $29.98
Heart-Felt Gift Pockets CD
$24.99 $44.98
Kimberbell Blanks 8in x 8in Pillow Form
Kimberbell Cup of Cheer Advent Quilt Design CD and Instructions
$39.99 $79.96
Kimberbell Cuties Volume 2 Jan-June
$29.99 $59.98
KimberBell Flexi Foam 20in x 60in
$15.99 $21.98
Kimberbell Mug Rugs Volume 5
$24.99 $45.00
Kimberbell Twine - Red, Tan and Black
$3.99 $7.98
Kimberbell Two Scoops Bench Pillow Design CD
$24.99 $39.98
Mylar Neutral Tones Set 7in x 7in 12pk
Oh Sew Delightful! Quilts & Decor Design CD and Instructions
$39.99 $69.98
Oh Sew Delightful! Quilts & Decor Embellishment Kit
$27.99 $49.98
Oh Sew Delightful! Quilts & Decor Fabric Kit
$64.99 $119.98
Oh, Sew Delightful! Large Tote 18in x 18in
Orange Pop Rulers Rectangle Set
$44.99 $79.98
Orange Pop Rulers Square Set
$35.99 $64.98
Pillow Form Insert 16in x 38in
$14.99 $27.48
Quilted Baskets
Sweet As Candy - Peach Tea, Taffy, Gumdrop, Grape
$9.99 $17.99
Sweet As Candy Blues Fresh Mint and Spearmint Vinyl
$9.99 $17.98
Sweet As Pie Bench Pillow
Velveteen 12in x 24in Slate Grey
$5.99 $8.98
Zipper Pouch Blank Mustard Velveteen Large
$5.99 $10.98